A-3 Bag Ryder



This product turns a liability that is common to many AR and tactical stocks into an asset, by clamping directly onto a Picatinny rail, and providing ideal contact with a benchrest style front bag.

Note From Wally: “I stopped by our local gun store, Brotherhood in Arms, yesterday & talked to the owner, Dominic, who also is a good friend of mine. I asked him if it would be ok if I tried out some of his tactical firearms on my new model 2000LP Rifle Rest. The pictures are of all the different models that will work in the rest.”

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This product turns a liability that is common to many AR and tactical stocks into an asset, by clamping directly onto a Picatinny rail, and providing ideal contact with a bench rest style front bag.

Anything that keeps a rifle from sliding smoothly in sandbags, either front or rear, will absolutely increase the size of your groups.

This product solves that problem for all stocks with Picatinny rails on the bottoms of their forends.

Its contact with the bag is identical to the best long range bench rest stocks.

To mount it, all you have to do is slide it on the rail to the position that you prefer, ant tighten two Allen head screws with a wrench that is stored securely in the adapter. You will never have to look for a wrench or forget to bring it with you. It stays with the adapter.





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